Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Missing the Kids and the Colleagues.

Today is the big day. First day of school. Normally, I would be waking up all night and checking to see if my alarm clock was actually set. Well last night, I had a great sleep. So now I am waiting for the "missing the first day of school" ache to set in.

My parents, both of whom are elementary school teachers, were full of energy last night. They kept talking about going to bed early, seeing their school friends, and seeing the kids. I admit, I feel a bit of a pang. School opening is an exciting day for any teacher. A strange mixture of dread, mixed with freshmen euphoria, builds until that first homeroom. On the first day of school 99% of the kids and staff are excited to be in the building. And there are so many changes. The kids are all taller. The new grade 8's are full of wonder. Colleagues show up with great stories. Some spent the Summer travelling the globe, some come back married or pregnant, and others come back single and living in the city. There is always a ton of news and energy. And the office . . . the office is always a madhouse full of new registrants and kids complaining about schedules. It is all very FUN.

So I think I am going to miss it. While I'm making sandwiches on the line today, I'll be thinking about the new grade 8's I won't be meeting. I'll be thinking about all my workmates and friends.

I hope the day goes off as smoothly as possible.

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