Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Andrea! Look what you missed!

An Open Letter to my Classmate Andrea,
the Unrepentant Chocoholic

Well Helloooo Andrea,

Look what you missed.  During the Kosher dinner event we had to plate 400 chocolate desserts.  If you look at the beginning of this blog you will see a picture of one.  They were delicious.  I know this because at the end of the night there were hundreds of thousands of desserts left and the pastry chef said I could eat as many as I wanted . . . and I did.  

Brie, Kameron, and Me in the first stages of Chocolate Ecstasy

I thought of you as I gorged myself on each delightful chocolate bombe.  Please note that the picture above only shows a mere fraction of the desserts that were available for consumption.  You may also note that Brie has a bad case of red-eye in the photo.  That was caused by the dearth of chocolate goodness that was put before her.  I actually saw her eyes turn red.  She was like an insatiable chocolate vampire.  And Kam . . . Kam couldn't stop smiling.  He was like a baby with a bottle full of chocolate milk.  If you don't believe me, look at the picture again.  After we ate enough dessert to make ourselves sick for days, we wrestled in the remaining desserts to make sure that none were wasted.  The tuiles hurt a bit (tuiles hurt), but it was worth it.  We pretty much drowned in gluttony and we were paid to do it.

Sorry you missed out.  We thought of bringing you a dessert, but that was after the wrestling, and they were all smashed by the time we had the thought.

Maybe next time.

Wish you were there,

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