Monday, May 23, 2011

Oh Maman!

It was Mother's Day a couple of weeks ago and nobody had planned a thing. Under Mum's instruction we were all told to save our money and not splash out on anything she didn't need. However, Mum did want to have a brunch and since she is the best organizer in the house, she planned it herself (I did most of the cooking).

My Brother and his lovely wife, had just flown in from France, so we were all pretty excited to be together. I picked a bouquet of flowers from my garden, and then Mom and I went up the Drive to get the groceries. We picked up some italian sausages from our local deli and then with the eggs and fruit we had in the fridge we managed to make the following

A beautiful kale salad with pumpkin and sesame seeds, a strawberry mango fruit salad, a fennel orange salad, sausages, and I managed to poach ten eggs perfectly and put them all out at the same time and they were hot. Oh! I also had a bottle of Veuve Cliquot in the back of my fridge, so we had Mimosas too.

Our little downstairs neighbour heard all the commotion and she invited herself up for some Mother's Day time with our Mum. My sister brought over a small bowl of chocolates from Chocolate Arts . . . so there was one gift. Well there was actually more than one gift. Mom and Dad had just come back from England, so Mom gave presents to everyone. It was pretty funny.

It was so easy and it turned out perfect.

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